“He is no fool to give up what he cannot keep—to gain what he cannot lose.” --Jim Elliot, Missionary, Martyr We’re getting ready for Easter—one of the Highest worship days of our year. We are EASTER PEOPLE! How do you get ready for a day like that? You get your head right. You get your heart right. You get your behavior right. The question: What will you give up—to take up the right head, heart, and life for Easter? What if it’s not about giving up what you enjoy, but instead giving up what is keeping you from the right heart and head? This Sunday we will look at some people who had to give up some dead-end relationships to take up a right relationship with God—"in Spirit and in truth.” I’m convinced that dead end, draining, unhealthy relationships keep so many people from ever seeking God for the peace only He can give. I LOVE You, and I LOVE Being Your Pastor! Rusty