Glory & Presence

The Glorious Presence of the Lord filled the Temple.’ 2 Chronicles 5:13

Highest Holy Day in the Old Testament—the dedication of the Temple. The preparations, expense, artistry, the sheer labor of it all. And when the time came, the presence of God fell on the place. Fell so thick, in fact, that the priests were pushed out. The Presence of God just took up all the space.

Highest Holy Day in the New Testament—in all of human history—Easter (the Christ-event, Death-Burial-Resurrection of Jesus). Darkness fell in the middle of the day, the veil of the Temple was ripped from top to bottom. Earthquakes. Lightning. Graves opened up and people long-dead walked into the city. Common theme—the Glory and presence of God. The ‘Shekinah’ Glory of God speaks of the presence of God that just rests heavy on a moment, on a place. Sometimes in a cloud and thick darkness, sometimes with fire-fall from Heaven.

That’s what I’m praying for this Easter Sunday. An awareness, a thick abiding presence of ‘God with us.’

I LOVE Being Your Pastor!
