"God became personal to me at a young age as I had the wonderful experience of being raised by Christian parents. In fact, my dad is a pastor and so was my grandfather. So, I was in church basically
from the day I was born and had many faithful people teaching me the Bible week after week, sharing the good news of Jesus and praying for me to accept Christ as my Lord and Savior. When I was 10 years old I became a follower of Christ and even from a young age I could tell that my life had been changed.
In an experience that others have gone through if they accepted Christ at a young age, the gospel of Jesus Christ took on some new and fresh meanings later in my life. Through God’s working, I recommitted myself to Him and this experience has changed the direction of my life as I decided to leave the financial industry where I had worked for over a decade and to enter the ministry. We serve a loving and gracious God and I am thankful for his steadfast love and patience in my life. My desire is to
continually grow deeper into the gospel of His Son Jesus Christ and serve Him as best I can."