
Genesis 1
Why was the earth created?

When it comes to thoughts regarding the beginning of life on earth, most people are consumed by the “how” question: “How did the world come to be?”

But the author of Genesis directs our focus not so much on the how, but the “who” and the “why.”

The first chapter of Genesis answers both of those questions.


Who created the earth?

God, whose power is awe-inspiring and reveals his glory

God, who is purposeful and delights in order and beauty

God, who is personal and intimately involved in his world


Why did God create the earth?

Because God cares about us and wants us to share in his enjoyment.

You are not the result of random chance. He has given you purpose and meaning. God wants us to be in a relationship with him. He created us to be with him for all time and all eternity.

Are you living out your purpose in life by being in an active and meaningful relationship with God?